Virtual Visits At Advantage Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

Sometimes it’s easier to just stay home! All of the doctors and providers at Advantage Orthopedic and Sports Medicine are available for virtual visits.  You can use your phone, tablet or computer to have a telehealth visit from the comfort of your own home or from work.

When scheduling your appointment, simply request a telehealth visit. The cost is the same as an in person visit, however some insurance companies may waive your copay. Each insurance company varies. For more details on your individual plan and coverage, please check with your insurance company.

Be ready 5 to 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. A member of our team will call you to collect your information and copay and from there you will be connected with the doctor for your appointment.

 If you’d like to set up a telehealth visit, simply call 503-661-5388 to schedule your appointment and let our team know that you would prefer a telehealth appointment.